Apache Hadoop Changelog

Release 2.0.5-alpha - 2013-06-06


JIRA Summary Priority Component Reporter Contributor
HDFS-4482 ReplicationMonitor thread can exit with NPE due to the race between delete and replication of same file. Blocker namenode Uma Maheswara Rao G Uma Maheswara Rao G
HADOOP-8419 GzipCodec NPE upon reset with IBM JDK Major io Luke Lu Yu Li
MAPREDUCE-5240 inside of FileOutputCommitter the initialized Credentials cache appears to be empty Blocker mrv2 Roman Shaposhnik Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli
HADOOP-9407 commons-daemon 1.0.3 dependency has bad group id causing build issues Major build Sangjin Lee Sangjin Lee
HADOOP-9614 smart-test-patch.sh hangs for new version of patch (2.7.1) Major . Ravi Prakash Ravi Prakash